Bees, I LOVE a good deal. And in my mind, the only thing better than a good deal is free.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Shopping for SHOES!
Saturday, January 9, 2016
We're the Blue Moons!
I can't believe this day is here! I have been dreaming about being a Weddingbee blogger for many years, ever since I first met my fiance and figured out that he was the one. Weddingbee is a place that I have always come to for inspiration and advice on everything from etiquette to recipes to sharing my excitement, and the excitement of other new brides, over our engagements and other milestones. It's a great community to be part of, and now I get to be a blogger in it! Call me Miss Blue Moon- nice to meet you!
Friday, January 1, 2016
We Have a Flower Girl!
For New Year's Eve, my fiance and I usually go to the beach with his family and their good friends, who own a gorgeous beach house in Seacrest, Florida. This year, they were renting out their beach house to vacationers, but we decided to all meet up for a New Year's party anyway at their regular place. I miss the beach, but it's always good to be with friends no matter where you are.
Part of our New Year's tradition is to exchange our Christmas gifts between our families after our midnight countdown. Since we are all doing separate family stuff on Christmas day, we carve out this special time to exchange gifts between dear friends. Our friends have a precious daughter that Don and I knew we would want to be in our wedding from the day we got engaged. We were in high school during their pregnancy, and have really watched their kid grow up. The only question was finding the perfect time to ask Blue Blossom to be in our wedding. We decided to do it after the gift exchange last night.
Aside from her regular Christmas present, I picked out a flower girl basket and wrapped it up with a pin that says "Flower Girl" and a little poem that I found online and modified. It goes like this:
When Mr. Blue Moon and I first got engaged, one of the things I was most nervous about was working out all the little details with my parent...
Well, my spring break is over and it's time to get back to the grind for my final quarter of teaching this year. It's so weird and a...
When Mr. Blue Moon and I were searching for the perfect engagement ring for me, I had two rules: I wanted it to be unique, and I wanted it t...
One of my very first projects after Don and I got engaged was to create a wedding planning binder. Mine has changed a little bit since I too...
I don't know when I first learned about the tradition of handfasting in wedding ceremonies. It's a very old tradition that can be se...
Sorry for the short hiatus, ya'll. You might remember that I'm a middle school teacher, and with state tests coming up in seven week...
I pretty much feel like this cat right now. Via m. In approximately six weeks at the time of this writing, I'll be wal...
Ya'll, I can't believe how the weeks have flown by and how quickly our wedding day has snuck up on us. We are getting married THIS S...
Even though I have seen tons of brides with beautiful tiaras, and gorgeous flower crowns, or rocking amazing hairstyles without any kind of ...
Even though my wedding is small (it will probably end up being less than a hundred guests), I knew that Mr. Blue Moon and I would need to co...