Friday, January 1, 2016

We Have a Flower Girl!

For New Year's Eve, my fiance and I usually go to the beach with his family and their good friends, who own a gorgeous beach house in Seacrest, Florida. This year, they were renting out their beach house to vacationers, but we decided to all meet up for a New Year's party anyway at their regular place. I miss the beach, but it's always good to be with friends no matter where you are.

Part of our New Year's tradition is to exchange our Christmas gifts between our families after our midnight countdown. Since we are all doing separate family stuff on Christmas day, we carve out this special time to exchange gifts between dear friends. Our friends have a precious daughter that Don and I knew we would want to be in our wedding from the day we got engaged. We were in high school during their pregnancy, and have really watched their kid grow up. The only question was finding the perfect time to ask Blue Blossom to be in our wedding. We decided to do it after the gift exchange last night.

Aside from her regular Christmas present, I picked out a flower girl basket and wrapped it up with a pin that says "Flower Girl" and a little poem that I found online and modified. It goes like this:

A little lady carries flowers
in a basket or bouquet
She helps us as we celebrate
a joyful wedding day
She is a princess in her gown
A picture come to life
She brings such joy in helping us
Become husband and wife
We want you to stand with us
So, graceful and so tall
and help make this special day
The very best of all.

Will you be my flower girl?

Personal photo

Courtesy of Blue Blossom's mommy

We let flower girl Blue Blossom unwrap her basket with Aimee, who read her the poem. Blue Blossom happily agreed to be in the wedding, and informed us that she has already been the flower girl once. We're so excited to have a pro in our wedding! As you can see, she is super excited and already practicing for her walk down the aisle. It will be great to have such a precious girl, as well as her parents who are good friends, as part of the wedding day!

Will you be having flower girls or ring bearers as part of your special day?


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